
Stock Code


Last modified: September 9, 2020

1. About this Policy

This Cookies Policy describes how MicroPort uses cookies and similar tracking technologies (“cookies”) on this website.

2. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small amounts of data that are stored on your browser, device, or the page you are viewing. Some cookies are deleted once you close your browser, while other cookies are retained even after you close your browser so that you can be recognized when you return to a website. More information about cookies and how they work is available at: www.allaboutcookies.org

You have the possibility to manage the deposit of cookies using the settings of your browser. This setting may modify your browsing experience on the Internet and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

3. How do we use Cookies?

We use cookies to provide the website and its services, gather information about your usage patterns when you navigate our pages in order to enhance your personalized experience, and to understand usage patterns to improve our website, products and services. We also allow certain third parties to place cookies on our website in order to collect information about your online activities on our website and across different websites you visit over time. This information is used to tailor advertising to your interests and to analyze the effectiveness of such advertising.

Cookies on our website are generally divided into the following categories:

Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are required for the operation of the website and cannot be switched off. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to set your cookies settings or to log into secure areas. These cookies are session cookies that are erased when you close your browser.

Performance Cookies: These cookies allow us to understand how visitors navigate through our pages. This helps to improve the performance of our website, for example, by ensuring that visitors can easily find what they are looking for. These cookies are session cookies that are erased when you close your browser.

Functional Cookies: These cookies allow us to enhance the functionality of our website and make it easier for visitors to navigate. They may be set by us or with third party providers. For example, cookies are used to remember that you have previously visited the website and that you prefer a specific language. These cookies qualify as persistent cookies, because they remain on your device for us to use during a next visit to our website. You can delete these cookies via your browser settings.

Targeting Cookies: This website uses cookies such as Google Analytics Cookies and Baidu Cookies. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed to recognize you as a previous visitor and to track your activity on this website and other websites you visit. These cookies can be used by third parties, such as marketing companies, to tailor advertising to your interests. These cookies qualify as persistent cookies, because they remain on your device. You can delete these cookies via your browser settings. See below for further details on how you can control third party targeting cookies.

4. Your Cookies Settings for this website

For each Internet browser you use, you can consent or withdraw your consent to the use of the Marketing Cookies of this website by going to Cookie Settings.

5. Your computer Cookies Settings for all the websites

For each Internet browser you use, you can review your browser settings, typically under the sections "Help" or "Internet Options," to select choices you have for certain cookies. If you disable or delete certain cookies in your Internet browser settings, you might not be able to access or use important functions or features of this website. For more information and guidance, please refer to: allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies.

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